On August 22, 2024, Yuwa Ki Aawaz Sanstha successfully organized an awareness program in Hazaribagh, focusing on various government schemes offered by the Jharkhand government. The event aimed to educate and empower the local villagers with knowledge about the benefits and opportunities provided by these schemes. The program saw an enthusiastic participation of over 100 villagers, who gathered to learn about the various initiatives that could positively impact their lives. Our team of dedicated volunteers provided detailed information on several schemes, including those related to agriculture, health, education, and social welfare. By the end of the session, many attendees expressed their gratitude and interest in availing themselves of these benefits, demonstrating the program’s success in fostering awareness and encouraging active participation. We are committed to continuing our efforts to bring such valuable information to the grassroots level, ensuring that every individual is aware of the resources available to them. Stay Connected for More Updates! For more information about our upcoming events and initiatives, please visit our website or follow us on social media. Post navigation Kishori Shakti Yojna Awareness Campaign in Shimla on 17 August 2024