Definition.In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires: the ‘organization’ shall mean the YUWA KI AAWAZ SANSTHA – ( Voice of Youth National Organization ); the ‘president’ shall mean the president of the organizationappointed by the founder of organization. the ‘Governing Body’ shall mean the Governing body of Voice OfYouth; the ‘General body’ shall mean the General body of voice of youth; the ‘secretary and other office bearers’ shall mean the officers of thevoice of youth.
YUWA KI AAWAZ SANSTHA :Composition: The organization shall consist of an eminent person to be nominated by the founder oforganization as President and the founder can nominate himselfas president. Secretary to be elected by members of the organization. Treasurer to be elected by members or Shall be nominated bypresident only. Seven permanent members including president, secretary andtreasurer. Seven to ten eminent personalities from the field of education,scholars, researchers, lawyers, judges etc who r considered asdesirous persons. Two witnesses who are not members of organization. Governing body which includes 7-25 members includingpresident, secretary and treasurer. General body consisting of all members of organization and Department Heads appointed by President of Organization . Auditor to make audits. Standing committee Finance committee Planning Board MembershipThe membership of the organization is open to any person or persons, who has attained the age ofmajority and has expertise in imparting education at all fronts such as primary, higher technicaleducation, medical education even to impart and help at the stage of attaining the scholar and whor desirable to work for women upliftment and are willing to do any kind of welfare for the societyand fulfill the terms and conditions of the organization, without discrimination of the religion,caste, creed, gender or colour, subject to the approval of the governing body. If the membershipis refused to certain person of the group of persons the reason for the refusal shall becommunicated to the person/ s concerned.
YUWA KI AAWAZ SANSTHA :Composition: The organization shall consist of an eminent person to be nominated by the founder oforganization as President and the founder can nominate himselfas president. Secretary to be elected by members of the organization. Treasurer to be elected by members or Shall be nominated bypresident only. Seven permanent members including president, secretary andtreasurer. Seven to ten eminent personalities from the field of education,scholars, researchers, lawyers, judges etc who r considered asdesirous persons. Two witnesses who are not members of organization. Governing body which includes 7-25 members includingpresident, secretary and treasurer. General body consisting of all members of organization and Department Heads appointed by President of Organization .
Auditor to make audits. Standing committee Finance committee Planning Board
MembershipThe membership of the organization is open to any person or persons, who has attained the age ofmajority and has expertise in imparting education at all fronts such as primary, higher technicaleducation, medical education even to impart and help at the stage of attaining the scholar and whor desirable to work for women upliftment and are willing to do any kind of welfare for the societyand fulfill the terms and conditions of the organization, without discrimination of the religion,caste, creed, gender or colour, subject to the approval of the governing body. If the membershipis refused to certain person of the group of persons the reason for the refusal shall becommunicated to the person/ s concerned.
TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP:The Managing Committee shall have the power to expel any member from the society, ifany member: Is not working and doing his work assigned to him/her. if he/she does not attend the meeting of the organization without any intimation orpermission. on the written resignation Or Depend on President If any member is found engaged in corruption and bribery or any such illegal acts andcrimes.If the Managing Committee feels that the presence of a member is detrimental to theinterest of the Society then membership of such member can be terminated by theGeneral Secretary, and his decision is final and cannot be challenged provided hisdecision shall not be arbitrary; and such member shall only be re-admitted as memberin the organization if President and Founder of organization feels that his re-admissionis necessary and that to after taking written declaration from the terminated member.Roll of Members:The organization shall maintain a Roll of Members giving their addressesand occupations and every Member shall sign the same.Term of Office:The elected members of organization shall hold office for a term of fiveyears. When the term of office of a elected member comes to an end, thevacancy shall be filled by the election of that post. Outgoing members shallbe eligible for re-election. Casual Vacancies :Casual vacancies in the organization may arise for the reasons indicatedbelow-9. death;10.resignation addressed to the Secretary in writing and accepted by theorganization;11.becoming of unsound mind or insolvent;12.conviction for a criminal offence involving moral turpitude; or13.failure to attend meetings of the organization without proper leave of theorganization.14.Not working in favour of organization or not working at all for organizationafter being the member
TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP:The Managing Committee shall have the power to expel any member from the society, ifany member: Is not working and doing his work assigned to him/her. if he/she does not attend the meeting of the organization without any intimation orpermission. on the written resignation Or Depend on President
If any member is found engaged in corruption and bribery or any such illegal acts andcrimes.If the Managing Committee feels that the presence of a member is detrimental to theinterest of the Society then membership of such member can be terminated by theGeneral Secretary, and his decision is final and cannot be challenged provided hisdecision shall not be arbitrary; and such member shall only be re-admitted as memberin the organization if President and Founder of organization feels that his re-admissionis necessary and that to after taking written declaration from the terminated member.Roll of Members:The organization shall maintain a Roll of Members giving their addressesand occupations and every Member shall sign the same.Term of Office:The elected members of organization shall hold office for a term of fiveyears. When the term of office of a elected member comes to an end, thevacancy shall be filled by the election of that post. Outgoing members shallbe eligible for re-election.
Casual Vacancies :Casual vacancies in the organization may arise for the reasons indicatedbelow-9. death;10.resignation addressed to the Secretary in writing and accepted by theorganization;11.becoming of unsound mind or insolvent;12.conviction for a criminal offence involving moral turpitude; or13.failure to attend meetings of the organization without proper leave of theorganization.14.Not working in favour of organization or not working at all for organizationafter being the member
Powers And Functions Of The Governing BodyThe Governing Body shall be the principal executive body of theOrganization and shall exercise the following powers and perform thefollowing functions:
to implement the policies and programmes of the organization; manage the affairs and funds of the organization and all matters relatingthereto; approve and sanction projects and programmes of the organization; allocate and disburse out of the Fund of the organization for maintenanceor development or both of people or for any other general or specifiedpurpose; provided that in making such grant the Council shall give dueconsideration to the development and maintainace of the people concerned,its financial needs and standards attained by make appointments to all categories of posts in the organization and todefine the duties attached to such enquire about the functioning of organization and to advise them onmeasures necessary for their proper functioning; establish and maintain in India with the prior approval of the Governmentof India, nodal and regional centres to promote the objectives of theorganisation; enter into collaboration with similar organisations in India and abroad forthe furtherance of the objectives of the organization;to accept grants in aid, donations or gifts from the Government of India, the StateGovernments and other public or private organisations or individuals forfurtherance of its objectives provided that the acceptance of such grants, donations orgifts shall not be in conflict or inconsistent with the provision of these rules; take over or acquire by purchase, gift or otherwise, from Government andother public bodies or private individuals, movable and immovable propertiesor other funds together with any attendant obligations and engagements notinconsistent with the objectives of the organization and provisions of theserules; purchase or otherwise acquire or lease or hire any movable or immovableproperty provided, that no immovable property shall be sold or leasedwithout the prior approval of the organization and the Central Government; appoint advisory boards, expert committees and/or otherspecial committees for such purposes and with such powers as theorganization may think fit and to dissolve any/or all of them;GENERAL BODY
All the members of the society shall constitute the general body function of the generalbody will be as follows:-49.To consider any business brought before it by the Governing body;50.There shall be an annual meeting of the general body in the month of January every year.(iii)Not less than 15 days notice shall be given to the members before the date of general bodymeeting enclosing the agenda specifying date, time and place51. (A) Standing CommitteeThere shall be a Standing Committee which shall consist of thePresident and six members nominated by the Governing Body. TheCommittee shall identify the problems prevailing in the society andmake recommendations regarding elimination of theseproblems to the organization for their further development.(B) Finance Committee:There shall be a Finance Committee which shall consist of thePresident, Treasurer, secretary, one member nominated by the Generalbody, one member from the Governing Body.Function: To examine the progress of plan and non-planexpenditures, preparation of budgets etc., apart from ensuring the codalformalities in normal financial dealings and purchase related matters.The bank account of the society shall be operated by the Treasurer and Secretaryjointly.B. The Planning Board:There shall be a Planning Board, which shall consist of the president,secretary, two permanent members apart from president and secretary andthree members to be nominated by the Governing Body to:52.advise the organization on the and structure of the programmes and methods of instruction andprovide roadmap for development;54.establishment of new institutes of welfare;55.principles for determination and disbursement of grantsmonitor, review and evaluate the academic programmes offered by the organization and56.provide any other guidance, assistance or advice to the organization inachieving the objectives.C. Officers of the organizationThe following shall be the officers of the organization57.President58.Secretary59. Treasurer60.AuditorPRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER.D SOURCE OF FINANCE: Donation , Grants , Savings , Foreign , CSR1. FOUNDER– Mr Chandan Singh2.ACTING PRESIDENT3. VICE-PRESIDENT4. SECRETARY5. TREASURER6. AUDITOR GENERAL
The Funds of the organizationl will consist of the following:61.grants made by the Government for the furtherance of the objectives of theorganization;62.contribution from other sources;63.income from the assets of the organization; and64.receipts of the organization from other sources;
ELECTION AND QUORUM:The General Body in its annual meeting will elect its Secretary and all the officebearers and members after fiveol years, by secret ballot papers. The quorum of theGeneral Body and governing body shall be 2/ 3rd .65.MANAGEMENT OF FUNDS:The fundss of the organization shall be deposited in any nationalised Bank. All funds ofthe organization shall be paid into the organization’s account with the approved Bank.66.REGISTER OF MEMBERS:The society shall maintain a registration office for the record of its members in aregister within 15 days after admission or cessation Of membership as the case may bewill have following particulars:i) The name, address and mobile number of the members;(ii) Shall be entitled to participate in the meeting, social functions and gathering of theorganization.(iii)Shall have right to inspect the books of accounts containing minutes of proceedings of thegeneral meeting and register of member of the organization on any working day duringbusiness hours by giving reasonable notice.67.Shall be bound by the rules and regulations and / or byelaws, which may be framed fromtime to time.68.To elect governing body of the society.69.To attend the general body meeting as and when required.(vii)To inform the society pertaining to any matter of the society.(viii)To administrator the oath of the office and liability to the society and / or its constitution.
PRESIDENT:70.Having all power – Change of any post of person , removal , Suspension etc
The President who is the Chief Executive and Principal AdministrativeOfficer, shall preside over all meetings of the organization and its GoverningBody. He shall have all the necessary powers for carrying out the functions ofthe organization.71.The Governing Body may, by resolution, delegate to the president such of itspowers for the conduct of business as it may deem fit, subject to thecondition that the action taken by the president under the powers ofdelegation under this Rule, shall be reported at the next meeting of theGoverning Body.72.He will have no voting power, but will have the right of casting vote only incase of equality of votes. He summon the members for all meetings.
SECRETARY:73.The first Member-Secretary of the Council shall be appointed by thePresident and shall hold for five years and after that he will be elected byGeneral body. The remuneration, terms and conditions of service, powers andduties of the -Secretary shall be as specified in the Regulations.b. Subject to any order that may be passed by the Governing Body, the -Secretary ofthe organization, shall be responsible for the proper administrative affairs of theorganization under the direction and guidance of the president.c.The Secretary shall prescribe the duties of all officers and staff of the organizationand shall exercise such supervision and disciplinary control as may benecessary subject to the Rules and the Bye-laws.
The powers and duties of the Secretary shall be as follows:74.To sign on behalf of the organization of such meetings.75.To manage and attend general body and managing committee.To incur contingent expenditure subject to the sanction of the Managing conduct the current business of the organization and duties entrusted to him by thegeneral body.77.To call ordinary general meeting at request of at least twenty members.78.To open the accounts of the organization either in Bank or in any other financialinstitution. However, the said account shall be open in the name of the organizationand shall be operated by Treasurer, but any withdrawal from the said accounts canonly be made by the joint signatures of the Secretary and treasurer, and in the case ofresignation of the treasurer the said account can be operated by the Secretary singly orwith any other office bearer jointly as per the needs and requirements.79.To appoint the employees for the society with approval of managing committee.(viii) And to do all other acts, which are required for the functioning of society and not coveredby this review from time to time the broad policies and programmes of suggest measures for the improvement and development of theorganization;to advise the president and governing body in respect of any matter which may bereferred to it for advice;C TREASURER:The powers and duties of the Treasurer be as follows:-(a) To keep accounts of all receipts and general expenditure of the organization and to furnishnecessary information on to the Managing Committee.(b) To deposit or withdraw the amount of the organization from the bank as decided by theManaging Committee.(c) Expenditure passed by the Managing Committee shall be signed by the Secretary andTreasurer or any such equivalent officer appointed by the Managing Committee.
FINANCIAL YEAR:The financial year of the society shall start from the 1 April to 31 December every year.84.TENURE:The terms of governing body shall be five years.28. With the prior approval of the Authority concerned, the organization shall havepower to frame and amend bye-laws, not inconsistent with the Memorandum ofAssociation and these Rules, for the administration and management of itsaffairs. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provision, such bye-lawsmay provide for the following matters:85.the preparation and sanction of budget estimates, the sanctioning ofexpenditure, making and execution of contracts, the investment of theFunds of the organizatiob and the sale or alteration of such investment andaccounts and audit;86.powers, functions and conduct of business of such committees or advisorypanels as may be constituted from time to time;87.the procedure, terms and tenures of appointments, emoluments, allowancesand other conditions of service of the officers and staff of the organization;88.such other matters as may be necessary for the furtherance of the objectivesand proper administration of the affairs of the organization.PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER89.Proceedings of the Meetings:90.Meetings of the various authorities of the organization shall be presided overby the President and in his absence, the members present may elect aPresident for the meeting.(MAY BE CHANGE AS PER FOUNDER OF ORG)
Proceedings of the Meetings:90.Meetings of the various authorities of the organization shall be presided overby the President and in his absence, the members present may elect aPresident for the meeting.91.Two third of the members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of theauthority.92.Not less than 15 clear days notice shall be given for an ordinary meeting, butthis condition may be relaxed by the President for special/extra-ordinarymeetings.93.Every notice calling a meeting shall state the date, time and place at whichsuch meeting will be held and shall be under the signature of the Secretary orany other officer authorised by the President in his behalf.94.The meetings shall be held at such intervals as the President may decide.95.Each member shall have one vote; and if there shall be any equality of voteson any question to be decided, the President or the presiding officer shallhave a casting vote.96.The authorities shall function notwithstanding that any person who is entitledto be a member by reason of his office is not member for the time being andnotwithstanding any other vacancy in its body, whether by the nonappointment by the authority entitled to make the appointment orotherwise and no act or proceeding of the bodies shall be invalidated merelyby reason of the happening of any of the above events or of any defects inthe appointment of any of its members.97.Any business which it may be necessary for the authorities to perform maybe carried out by circulation amongst all its members and anyresolution so circulated and approved by a majority of members signing, shallbe as effectual and binding as if such resolution had been passed at a meetingof the body.President Secretary Treasure
Disqualifications(a) A person shall be disqualified for having chosen as and for being a member of any ofthe authorities of the organization:f he is of unsound mind or is deaf, mute or suffers from contagious leprosy;100. if he is an undischarged insolvent; and101. if he has been convicted by a Court of law of an offence involvingmoral turpitude;(b) if any question arises as to whether a person is or has been subjected toany disqualification mentioned above, the question shall bereferred for decision to the President and its decision shall be finaland no suit or proceeding shall lie in any civil court against suchdecision.
ResignationAny member other than an ex-officio member of any authority may resign by a letteraddressed to the Secretary and the resignation shall take effect as soon as it isaccepted by the President.
Accounts and Audit:An Auditor General appointed by the governing body shall audit the account of theorganization as decided by governing body.The Auditor General shall maintain proper accounts and other relevant records and prepareannually a Receipts and Payments Account and a list of Assets and Liabilities and other recordsin such form as may be prescribed by the President or any person authorised by him in thisbehalf.
Annual ReportThe Annual Report of the proceedings of the work of organization undertaken duringthe year shall be prepared by the Governing Body, for the information of theGovernment of India and of the members of the organization. A draft of the Annual
AMENDMENT:-Any amendment in the memorandum, rules and regulations shall be made under thissection as per provisions of related laws under direction of president.K LEGAL PROCEEDINGSThe organization may sue or be sued in the name of the president as per the provisionslaid down by laws and applicable to the National Capital Territory of Delhi. No memberof the organization except President can be sued for any act of the organization. Allmembers of the organization except President will be free from all the legalproceedings.103. ANNUAL LIST OF GOVERNING BODY:Once in every year a list of the office bearers and members of the Governing Body of theorganization shall be filed with the registrar of societies,L. Dissolution And Adjustment Of AffairsIf the organization need to be dissolved, it shall be dissolved as per theprovisions of the soecified laws.Provided that in case of dissolution, the organization’s properties shall betransferred / handed over to a registered organization having similar aimsand objectives.PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURERM Essential CertificateCertified that this is the correct copy of the Rules, and Regulations of theorganization.
President Chandan singh 08 August 2019
Chandan singh
08 August 2019
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